Inje Office of Education Support

Current School Status

Division Kindergarten Elementary school Middle school High school Total
Number of schools
(branch School)
Public 14 17(4) 6 4 41(4)
Private 1       1
Total 15 17(4) 6 4 42(4)
Number of classes
(branch School)  
Public 30 120(8) 38(2) 29(1) 217(11)
Private 4       4
Total 34 120(8) 38(2) 29(1) 221
Number of students
(Special School)  
Public 322 1,500(20) 685(5) 544(3) 3,051(28)
Private 46       46
Total 368 1,500 685 544 3,097
Number of teachers establishment
Public 46 199(7) 99 79 423(7)
Private 4       4
General/Technical 5(1) 54 20 5 84(1)
Total 55 253 119 84 511
193-gil 15, Inje-ro, Inje-eup, Inje-gun, Gangwon state, Republic of Korea, Zip(252-806)
TEL : +82-33-460-1010 (International) 033-460-1010 (Domestic)